Monday, January 25, 2010

Home Cookin': good for your waistline and wallet!

Why is cooking at home becoming so important? It seems to be the highlight of every health magazine and trainers top tip on getting fit for the new year! Well, its not just a's the real deal. Research shows cooking at home has been proven to help people whittle their waistlines and save an abundant amount of money in comparison to eating out. There are so many reasons to this, but the one that sticks out most to me is CONTROL. When we cook, we control what goes in our food. Say you order steamed vegetables, fish, or chicken at a restaurant, the cooks will most likely add butter and/or oil to the water when steaming these items, not to mention a lot of salt to increase the flavor of the dish. They don't know you're on a diet or trying to be healthier-- they're just cooking it so it still has flavor! Being more specific when ordering out can help you stay on track. Let the waiter know you would like your item "steamed with no butter, oil, or salt added," or "dry," which will help eliminate extra sauces added to your meal. Another reason I think we love to eat out so much is because we all love the smell of good food! When you walk into an italian restaurant, you smell garlic, butter, shallots, cheese, etc...and your senses go crazy! Same goes with most authentic aromas: chinese, japanese, mexican, thai, etc. We are directed by our sense of smell. However, what most people don't know is you can create that same ambiance at home! Light candles, open up a bottle of your favorite wine or sparkly beverage, and saute some fresh garlic with 1 tablespoon of heart-healthy olive oil right away (even if you're not cooking with it). Your whole house just got a lot more food-friendly! Invite your friends over to your place for some extra company if you're craving social interaction! My last tip is to take easy approaches to substituting when cooking recipes. For example, use whole-wheat noodles instead of white flour, or plain non-fat yogurt instead of sour cream. Make brown rice instead of white, bake fish or chicken instead of frying it, and use cooking spray, 1-2 tbsp olive oil, and chicken broth for sauteing and sauce bases instead of butter or extra oil. Fresh herbs add a ton of flavor with no fat or calories, and pepper, garlic, ginger, red-pepper flakes, and cumin are great ingredients to spice up any dish! Try and go easy on the salt, you can always add more but can't fix a salty dish! Another one of my tricks is to add fresh fruit and berries to my salads and cereals for an extra crunch and natural sweetness, or have fruit as dessert with a tsp. of raw agave nectar (found at any food store) and cinnamon. For recipes and delicious meal ideas, I have attached links on the side bar that will direct you straight to cooking light and women's health (which are two of my favorites!). Everything from soups, salads, seafood, meat, vegetarian dishes and desserts are on these sites. Warning: your jeans might get a little baggy and your wallets a little fuller after adapting to this lifestyle change... :)

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